20/02/2012 13:46Louis has drawn a logo that he wants to have on his homepage. First we must scan it in...
Coming on nicely...
20/02/2012 13:35Lou is doing really well developing this site, he has picked up the technical side of it really quicklly.
Still going...
14/02/2012 16:51Now we have added video to the website.
So far...
14/02/2012 11:38So far Louis and I have spent 2 hours setting up this web page for his half term homework. Now Louis is planning it, and sorting out what content he would like. He wanted a poll. So we added a Poll. and then he wanted a Forum so we added a forum.
What to do...
14/02/2012 11:20We ahve decided on a web page for Louis' homework. I am recording its development for the blog. RSS feed.